Each month Linda's team has a challenge and this one was all about something that inspires you. It had a slow start we all sat back to think and then I remembered the painting my sister gave me that hangs in my daughter's room. It is a simple picture with very little in it, one for contemplation: just water, grass and some birds in the air.

This painting has always made me think of playing with my brother and sister in the sand hills at the beach where we lived when I was 8 to about 12. We were very happy just chasing the dog and each other through the planted grasses, sliding down the sand hills on cardboard and exploring the waters edge for hours and getting into very little trouble considering.

My card is kind of symbolic of all those things - the sahara sand (for the beach), white (for the white hot summer sun), the insects (in this case butterflies) flitting over the grass (for innocence) and the passion of childhood dreams.
Materials I used to make this card:
Stampset: Inspired by Nature, Great Friend
Cardstock: Velum, Sahara sand, whisper white, chocolate chip and Kiwi kiss.
Ink: Kiwi kiss, chocolate chip, sahara sand.
Accessories: Silver brads, wide oval, punch, distressing tool.
This is so beautiful Nerida, from the colours to the composition, everything is perfect.
ReplyDeleteRobyn Little